SHI Enhances Autonomous Ships Cyber Security Via Blockchain Technology


    □ Samsung Heavy Industries has become the first shipyard to introduce a cybersecurity solution for autonomous ships using blockchain technology.


    □ SHI said on 16 December that it successfully verifed the blockchain technology by interfacing SHI''s data stream and eLogbook with VechainThor blockchain to transmit the data to the outside. As a result, SHI received Sof(State of Fact) from DNV for applying blockchain technology to its own SAS(Samsung Autonomous Ship) & SVESSEL eLogbook Data streams on an operating vessel.


    □ SHI introduced a security solution with respect to handling important digital data from a fleet which shall not be forged or altered, making SHI the first shipyard to apply blockchain technology.


    □ As the shipping industry has become more digitized and automated, important navigation data such as fuel consumption and equipment operation status began to be stored in digital form, replacing the conventional paper documents, and the risk of cyber attacks is also increasing during transmission of ship data between onboard and onshore.


    SHI is accordingly focusing its capabilities on developing ship cybersecurity solutions by acquiring the world''s first "Smartship Cyber Security Technology Certification" in 2018, and recently, it is paying attention to applying Blockchain technology to vessels.


    □ "Cyber security is a necessary technology in the field of remote autonomous ships where connections between ships, onshore and systems are essential," said Dr. Hyun Joe Kim, Vice President of SHI''s Ship and Offshore Performance Research Center. In addition, he emphasized, "We will step up cooperation with ship owners, classification society and blockchain platform companies in order to expand blockchain application".


    ※ SAS(Samsung Autonomous Ship) is an autonomous navigation system which integrates advanced ICT technologies such as ▲RADAR, AIS(Automatic Identification System) and vision system ▲automatic control of engine and rudder to avoid collisions ▲360-degree around-view function that monitors the surroundings without blind spots at day and night.


    ※ eLogbook is a web-based digital solution, developed for digitalization of the conventional paper documents that are created and managed by the hands of crew on-board, and it can be used in anywhere on-board with devices such as computers and mobile devices.