SHI Will Showcase Cutting-edge Technologies At Gastech 2022


    SHI Will Showcase Cutting-edge Technologies At Gastech 2022

    □ Samsung Heavy Industries announced that it will showcase various solutions to customers at ''Gastech 2022'' to realize carbon neutrality in the shipbuilding industry.

    SHI plans to set up a 210㎡ exclusive exhibition hall at Gastech which will be held from Sep 5 to 8 in Milan, Italy and introduce high-tech energy technologies such as LNG carriers, FLNG (floating liquefied natural gas production facilities), liquefied carbon dioxide carriers and OCCS systems.

    □ Chung Jin-taek, CEO at SHI and other sales and technology executives will meet with more than 20 global customers including Shell, Equinor and Exxon Mobil for marketing activities.

    □ Gastech is the world''s largest gas energy industry exhibition involving 750 companies from 60 countries and marks its 50th anniversary this year. The significance of new technologies introduced in Gastech is growing in the era of carbon neutrality, where the global energy environment is shifting from oil to natural gas, ammonia, and hydrogen.

    □ During this event, SHI will unveil its 20,000㎥ class liquefied hydrogen carrier technology for the first time. The technology adopts a double vacuum insulated tank (Type C) for safe transport of ultra-low temperature liquefied hydrogen at minus 253 degrees Celsius at sea and will be certified by ABS.

    In addition, it plans to introduce a large liquefied carbon dioxide tank (Type C) and a high-efficiency re-liquefaction system jointly developed with Norwegian DNV. This is a key technology for efficiently transferring carbon dioxide collected in the process of producing hydrogen from fossil fuels such as natural gas to remote storage sites.

    □ SHI also signed an MOU with Germany''s BASF to collect carbon after receiving certification from Korean Register for its large gas carrier (VLGC) design technology, which can be used as propulsion fuel while transporting ammonia. Optimizing BASF''s carbon capture process technology for large LNG carriers can significantly reduce carbon dioxide emissions from ships.

    □ "As the global energy industry environment is rapidly changing toward carbon neutrality, SHI is actively developing various solutions necessary to build new energy value chains such as ammonia and hydrogen," a SHI official said. "We expect SHI''s differentiated eco-friendly technology to dominate future technology trends."