Samsung Heavy receives Detailed Design Approval for X-Reli, LNG re-liquefaction system from ABS


    □    Samsung Heavy Industries announced on 7 it received Detailed Design Approval (DDA) for X-Reli, an LNG re-liquefaction system for X-DF engines independently developed by SHI, from American Shipping Bureau, ABS.

    □     Re-liquefaction system is a technology to keep LNG without loss by re-liquefying and restoring boil-off gas produced in cargo tanks.

    More and more ship owners are keen to adopt re-liquefaction system to respond to a variety of operational conditions, such as long-term lay-up or slow steaming in consideration of seasonal changes in LNG prices.

    □    X-Reli, a next-generation re-liquefaction system with its patented technology, apart from the existing systems made by international engineering companies, is able to re-liquefy the whole boil-off gas evaporated from cargo tanks except the gas necessary for vessel operations without additional refrigerants.

    It is expected to help SHI to be better positioned in the LNGC newbuilding market by reducing CO2 emissions from unnecessary boil-off gas combustion with cargoes kept when slow steaming or berthing.

    □    In order to win ship owners’ confidence in the system, SHI will produce a real scale re-liquefaction system as LNGC for the first time as a shipbuilder and test it at its onshore LNG test facilities that own the system.

    Furthermore, with the addition of remote monitoring and maintenance features, it will develop into an integrated system with SVESSEL, SHI’s smart ship solution.

    □   “Thanks to the development of this new re-liquefaction system, we have secured our own independent technology that will help us satisfy ship owners’ demands. We will keep leading the market by advancing core technologies, such as integration with smart ship technologies,” said Yong-Lae Shim, Vice President of SHI Ship & Offshore Research Institute.

    Meanwhile, SHI has strived to secure core LNG technologies on its own. In August, it became the first shipbuilder in Korea to develop a natural gas liquefaction system, a technology essential to FLNG.